Feng Shui Articles

by Suzee Miller Feng Shui Master®

A New Door Cannot Open, Until an OLD One Closes

by Suzee Miller, Feng Shui Master®

FENG SHUI TRUTH: A New Door Cannot Open, Until an OLD One Closes.

On the invisible plain of Feng Shui, we cannot move forward in life or open a door to new blessings and opportunities until we clear away the old. The old can be a tragedy, loss, failure, our negative thoughts, fearful feelings, painful perceptions, or simply memories that bind us to the past. The old can also be material gifts such as furniture, mementos, or special letters, cards and emails that we cling to.

The "old" can be as recent as 2010, or as ancient as decades past.

Knowing when to "let go," when to close a door so another one can open, is often times a painful process and decision to make. Nonetheless, to enjoy the New Year and to benefit from all that this "new decade" holds for us, we must consciously LET GO of what no longer serves our highest good and evolution. We are not perfect beings, but via Feng Shui we can work on perfecting our environment so that it (only) attracts compatible energy. As we space clear away the "old;" we give ourselves permission to live life in the present moment. It is in this state of grace that we experience more PEACE, HARMONY and JOY.

Also, when our environment exudes BEAUTY and BALANCE, it helps us to FORGIVE. To forgive others and to forgive ourselves ... so that we can move forward.

Subscriber Remarks

Dear Suzee Miller,

Happy New Year! This email has truly hit home. I find all of your emails helpful but this concept of closing a door so that another may open is amazing. Here is our story:

In 2005 my husband and I built our dream home. We have been married for 14 years and have two amazing boys 12 and 9. We actually built a beautiful home on the site of our first smaller home. We were so happy and love our home but since then as you know the market has changed, I lost my job as a teachers aid in a preschool (which closed) and my husband's salary decreased considerably. He has been working round the clock to maintain our home. One day my husband came home after working 100 hours for the week and said "something has to change, we are drowning". It just came to me and I said "Let's sell the house" at the time it made sense. Even thought the market is bad we felt we had a good investment and could buy something smaller and at a less cost. Our boys we so happy and said we don't care about loosing our big house as long as we have have you and daddy around more.

However I spent 6 months panicked, stuck, unable to let go. I kept thinking it was horrible to give away "our" home like it was our only possession. I was devastated to move and uproot the kids. I was sick and worried and negative and focusing on loss. I kept focusing on the kitchen where we cooked our holiday dinners and the fixtures we picked and our bathroom etc ( its actually sounds ridiculous and childish now). I managed to get part time jobs here and there in hopes that the extra money would help lessen the load. When he was finally home I'd be working.

In reality what really matters is not this house. It's the life we have together as a family. Being able to have my husband watch our sons play sports and have us be together on weekends and actually take family vacations that is what is truly important. We are blessed in so many other ways by having each other, our health and our wonderful, loving supporting families and friends. I've been out of balance and we just recently agreed to put the house on the market. We were thinking to stay in town (which we love) if possible so the kids can stay in their school and be close to our families that we love. If all goes well it will be on the market within a week!

It's all so clear now to just release and let go and let a new chapter in our lives begin. I hope that we are able to sell and go back to a more balanced way of living. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to build a beautiful home and for the memories we created. It's time to create new positive memories. Thanks so much for your motivational and inspirational words and also those of Mr. Coelho. May you have a Blessed and Balanced New Year!!

Ana Maria Lora