Feng Shui Articles

by Suzee Miller Feng Shui Master®

Feng Shui and Energy

by Suzee Miller, Feng Shui Master®

Each room in your home or office should have five elements present to achieve balance and harmony. The five elements are: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood. One painting or piece of artwork (with the five colors present) can bring a room "visually" into balance.

You don’t have to believe in Feng Shui for it to work. Like gravity, it will affect you whether you believe in it or not.

Animals usually gravitate to the lowest energy in an environment (especially cats), thus protecting their owners from "negative" electromagnetic fields of energy.

Numbers in an address do not determine good or bad Feng Shui. Numerology is it’s own separate predictive art. The number "4" sounds like the word death, in Chinese, thus many Asians will not buy property with a 4 in the address or if the address equals a 4.

Feng Shui is no longer exclusively a Chinese art and science. All cultures of the world are embracing Feng Shui principles to create harmony and balance in their lives. Feng Shui is just now reaching critical mass, and it is the Western world that is taking these ancient principles to an integrated and higher level of consciousness.

In Classical or Traditional Feng Shui, the location of a property within an environment is always more important than the structure itself (home or building). Next, the structure is more important than the rooms and the rooms are more important than the occupants. Because Feng Shui is an earth art and earth science, the belief is if you take care of the EARTH the earth will take care of your life.

Homes located at the end of "T" intersections will adversely affect the health, finances and relationships of the occupants over time.

Occupants living in homes located on a blade (where the street cuts or curves into the property) will suffer health and relationship challenges more than people living in homes located in the middle of a street.

Staircases in direct alignment with the front door can adversely affect the health and finances of the occupants. Placement of a light, tree, plant, painting or piece of furniture between the door and staircase will help to mitigate (but not remedy) the problem.

Entrance and exit doors in direct alignment, is not good Feng Shui. There is a tendency for good energy to enter and exit too fast in these properties. Furniture place and chandeliers can help to remedy this problem.

In general, cul-de-sac locations are not desirable in Feng Shui. Up-slopes, down-slopes, walls, greenbelts and positions within the cul-de-sac determine which houses are safe and which ones are vulnerable to destructive and chaotic energy... Chi. As a general rule, people living in "poor" cul-de-sac locations experience health, financial and relationship challenges and stressful lives.

Power directions for optimizing health, wealth, love and good fortune, are determined by an individual’s personal element. Each human being, based on the solar calendar at time of birth, has four (out of eight) personal power directions. When you honor your best sleep, health, career, negotiating and fortune directions, you can exponentially enhance and enrich the quality of your life. This is based on a sophisticated and Classical school of Feng Shui called 8 Mansions. You can discover your personal power element by clicking here.

In peace, balance and ONENESS with the Earth,

( To quote or use any portion of the content and/or article above – express permission must be granted by the author in writing. Contact Suzee Miller at info@FengShuiBenefits.com )