"Logic will get you from point A to point B. Imagination will take you everywhere!"Albert Einstein
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."Nikola Tesla
"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently."Warren Buffett
"To create a new standard, it takes something that's not just a little bit different; it takes something that's really new and really captures people's imagination."Bill Gates
"What you don’t know about Feng Shui can hurt you. What you do KNOW about Feng Shui, will bless your life and set you free."Suzee Miller
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."Mahatma Gandhi
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."Nelson Mandela
"Mathematics expresses values that reflect the cosmos, including orderliness, balance, harmony, logic, abstract beauty and energy."Deepak Chopra
"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."Benjamin Franklin
"The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth."John F. Kennedy
"The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change."Carl Rogers
"You can retire from a job, but don't ever retire from making extremely meaningful contributions in life."Steven Covey
"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty."Maya Angelou
"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."Mother Teresa
"He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger."Confucius
"Your sacred space is where you find yourself again and again."Joseph Campbell
Feng Shui is "not" about superstition, religion or philosophy, nor is it an occult practice.
Feng Shui is the study of ENERGY and how energy impacts and shapes your home, health, wealth, family, communication, and reputation.
Everything in the Universe is ENERGY.
Feng Shui observes the energy and cycles of the solar system, and the energy inside and outside a house to determine the BEST homes for you to live in.
As a human being, you are one of EIGHT Chinese elements. You have four "power directions" and four SHA (bad) directions.
It’s VITAL to your life and livelihood that you know and honor these directions during work, rest, play and when buying property.
Is to unite TIME, SPACE, PEOPLE and the ENVIRONMENT as one integral entity, so that energy flows dynamically and effortlessly in, as, around and through you.
When this is accomplished, HAPPINESS and SUCCESS occur, naturally.
GOOD lots, locations, floor plans, architecture, design, décor and placement are based on East/West principles of energy and quantum physics.
We are the only Feng Shui school that teaches this to professionals and individuals, worldwide.
Based on your Feng Shui Element, a house will either EMPOWER you or deplete your life force energy.
Likewise, the LOCATION of a house on a lot, the LOCATION of a lot on a street and the FENG SHUI of a floor plan are "all" critical factors for you to consider "thoroughly" BEFORE buying a home.
What you don’t know about Feng Shui in real estate can hurt you and your BUYERS.
What you do know "correctly" about this art and science, will help you market and sell property in record time.
Learn what "screams" BUY ME, versus losing a buyer to bad Feng Shui.
As a Seller, it benefits you "immensely" to learn all that you can about Feng Shui principles and the law of attraction.
There is more to Feng Shui that meets the eye. What’s beautiful décor is not always supportive and life enriching ENERGY for your clients.
If you want to be of TRUE SERVICE, it’s imperative that you learn the core principles of Feng Shui, INSIDE/OUT.
You are the game changers for people seeking commercial buildings and houses that support and enrich lives and careers.
Feng Shui CERTIFICATION is not an option for you. It is a requirement for the people you serve.
Click here to learn more
Opportunity knocks.
INTEGRATIVE Feng Shui allows you to learn what cannot be found in books, anywhere. If you so desire, you can become a professional Feng Shui consultant as well.
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We have a PROVEN track record of SUCCESS in Feng Shui and real estate for 18 years. Our educational programs honor many masters and many teachers of Feng Shui and real estate.
Our SELF-STUDY programs integrate metaphysics, solar cycles, science, art and the spiritual laws of the universe.
All of our Feng Shui educational products are DIGITAL. Immediate downloads are available at check-out onto your smart device, tablet, iPod, MP3 player or computer.
This allows you to learn at your own pace, in your own space anytime, anywhere – 24/7.
We hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards and BEST EDUCATION available on the subject of Feng Shui principles and their applications in life, love, health, wealth, business and real estate.
The benefits of Feng Shui are timeless, infinite and limitless. Click on the links above and to the left and discover these UNIVERSAL TRUTHS for yourself.
Integrative Feng Shui will change your perspective on life and living, FOREVER.
by Suzee Miller Feng Shui Master®
by Owen Waters, author of "The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness"
While physics is the study of physical reality, metaphysics includes that which is beyond the physical, but not necessarily that which is spiritual. Spiritual metaphysics takes an entirely different orientation. Spiritual metaphysics sees an ultimate, metaphysical source of all creation as the basis of reality.
This one spiritual source is known by various terms, including The Absolute, Infinite Being, or the All That Is. The term Infinite Being encapsulates the idea of infinite consciousness, beyond which nothing else can exist.
A spiritual revolution in human consciousness began in earnest in the 1960s. Prior to that, the psychologist Maslow estimated that only 2% of the population had achieved the spiritually aware stage of self-actualization. The mid-1960s changed everything and the spiritual revolution began. Masses of people began the search for the higher values, such as unconditional love and spiritual wisdom. While the outward fads of the sixties came and went, the flame of spiritual yearning never went out. It quietly grew as people searched, reflected and found their spiritual freedom.
Thirty years later, that core group of progressive society had blossomed from 2% to over 20%, and it keeps expanding more each year. Most of these progressive thinkers are conscious spiritual seekers, with a sense of self that is a real, inner being rather than an outwardly-focused, ego type of self. The global shift towards spiritual awareness is, to put it simply, the most wonderful transformation in recorded history. This is where humanity eventually gets to build, literally, Heaven on Earth.
If nothing exists beyond the consciousness of Infinite Being, then the universe was formed within, not outside of, its consciousness. The spiritual source of all life, Infinite Being, is therefore greater than the universe which it created within itself. The spiritual concept of God employs terms like omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient to express the idea of infinite consciousness. From this expansive point of view, God the Original Creator is greater than all manifestation and, yet, is aware of every part of that manifestation.
While physics ponders how to cater for the 'mysterious' effects of consciousness in experiments, spiritual metaphysics sees beyond the mystery. Because all things are made of consciousness, then all things are conscious. All things are aware in their own way.
When you see the universe from this spiritual perspective, it is no longer a mystery why a pair of related atomic particles consciously communicate with each other. Two atomic particles can communicate with each other because they have their own consciousness. They may not have the self-awareness of human beings, but, when they meet, they remember each other and stay in communication. If one collides with an obstacle, then the other one feels it and responds accordingly.
Research in spiritual metaphysics does not take place in the laboratory. Instead, it's an inside job; the primary research tool of spiritual metaphysics is the accessing of expanded states of awareness through meditation. For example, in deep meditation, you can expand your awareness to the limits of space and observe the shape of the universe.
Physicists agree that the universe may be torroidal-shaped, but they have no physical proof as yet. Moving beyond physics and into spiritual metaphysics, which is where all the fun stuff happens, you discover that this doughnut-shaped universe is really nothing more than a projection within the consciousness of its Creator. Space no longer exists beyond the outer envelope of the universe, only the consciousness that created that space.
Space is no more than a concept in consciousness. It isn't really "out there." Everything made from consciousness is "in here," within you. Space is a projection within consciousness, manufactured for a specific effect. What appears to be "over there" is really just another one of an infinite number of viewpoints within the great "Here and Now."
The universe was created as a living theater of expression and humanity opted for total immersion within the drama of this theater of life. We live in search of the truth about life, and yet we feel disconnected from its source. We focus upon a world that appears to be exterior to us. Our five senses keep our brains so busy that it takes determination to find the peace and wisdom which lies within. Enormous resources of information, guidance and support are available through our inner being. When we direct our attention within, we gain access to those resources.
Spiritual metaphysics sees the universe as a mirror. Who you are, and what you express in thought, feeling and action, causes the mirror of life to reflect that back to you.
If, for example, you like yourself, then other people will like you, often without even knowing why. So, if you want people to like you more, you need only discover and dissolve the inner blocks that are keeping you from an unconditional love and acceptance of yourself. When you love yourself more, in an unconditional manner, life will reflect your improved attitude towards yourself and other people will love you more.
The mirror of life is automatic. Once you change yourself, and not before, the reflection changes and your reality transforms to reflect the new you.
This article was written by Owen Waters, author of "The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness" Order the Book
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( To quote or use any portion of the content and/or article above – express permission must be granted by the author in writing. Contact Suzee Miller at info@FengShuiBenefits.com )